"I have been slowly reading through [An Independent Study and Critique of the Swedish Government's Proposed New Legislation on Homeschooling] and although I'm only on p.70 I feel so overwhelmed. It's really quite incredible that an [Education] Bill would be formulated banning something that has demonstrably given such good results and functioned so well. I had never considered homeschooling before because you don't hear about it very often [in Sweden]. But after reading the Report, I was really interested. It was just a few nights ago when I was laying sleepless and counting how long it would be before my daughter would start school. My main concern is the poor social environment in schools, which CCM Warren addresses. Now if I could be the teacher of my own children that would mean an incredible number of things. Some things I thought were particularly interesting from the Report [were]: 'Jan Björklund, Swedish Education Minister, admitted in public that 'Swedish schools have the highest level of truancy, destruction and bad language in all the OECD countries'. Jonas Himmelstrand's observations are interesting: 'Untrained parents are more successful teaching their children than schools: Swedish family policies during the last 30 years have resulted in insecure children and youth, stressed adults and lower quality parenthood. As sevcurity in children is a strong social legacy, it is a negatice spiral...Parents have forgotten the folk knowledge acquired over generations about parenthood because they have come to believe and expect that the 'experts' in child day care centres and schools are better able to do a parenting job than they are, and so they leave the parenting up to them.''" (M, Sweden, 22 July 2009)
 "I scanned your book and website - you have done an amazing amount of work, and I hope you are successful in your case" (Dr. Richard G. Medlin, PhD, Department of Psychology, Stetson University, FL, USA; researcher on cognitive, social, and moral development in home schooled children; teaches psychology, biological psychology, childhood behaviour and disorders. Graduated from the University of North Carolina. Dr.Medlin is author of the academic study, Home Schooling and the Question of Socialization; 20 June 2011).
"Great website and really scary content. Sweden is so often held up here as an example of an enlightened modern country. What an irony!" (KR, United Kingdom, 1 March 2011)
"I am so impressed [by this website]. All this is so sad, but I am happy I am helping from the other side of the ocean, but at least doing something to stop all these abuses from the Swedish State to its people" (VSL, USA, 11 July 2011)
"If half the allegations of this site are true then Sweden's political journey has taken a terribly sad direction" (CN, United Kingdom, 31 July 2011)
"You're easily one of the most fascinating and well-informed people I've found in Sweden" (AN - Journalist, USA/Sweden, 16 August 2011)
"This is a good site. It has a lot of articles on the history of the Johanssons' ordeal with the State" (LAL, USA, 8 December 2011)
"Thank you, Mr. Warren, for this very important article, The Final Solution for Homeschoolers: Sweden's Attempt to Exterminate a Minority. The reality of what has been happening in Sweden and other western nations needs to get out. There is even so much more to these events than what you have written. So many lives -- of children and innocent parents -- are being destroyed. There will be psychological and emotional effects experienced by all who go through these child abduction experiences that will be tantamount to post traumatic stress and will last a lifetime. The seriousness cannot be overstated. What most people do not know or realize is the profit potential in these abductions. The whole social services, the family court judges, and all the professionals they contract with (psychotherapists and psychiatrists) make a huge amount of money off of these children. Their careers and incomes depend on taking in and providing "services" to these children who are removed from their families. The laws governing child rights and the very Social Services Act itself are dismissed. On the surface they are only given lip service. Inaccurate and incomplete information is paced in social services' files on the children. Parents are denied their own choice of representation and professionals who can provide psychological testing and reports demonstrating the parents' fitness to be parents. Parents who homeschool, who have deep religious convictions, or who are immigrants have been especially targeted. The Johanssons fit all three of these categories. If there is a Swedish father and an immigrant mother, the social services and courts will side with the Swedish father disregarding a previous country's court ordered decision of joint custody. If the father happens to be wealthy and well-known socially and professionally, the courts will uphold the father and disregard the mother despite her fitness. There are just so many cases of injustice when it comes to children and parents in Sweden. Parents are charged as guilty even when there is no evidence -- actual or circumstantial -- that proves a parent's unfitness. And the children -- how much do the social services and judges care about the children? They just prescribe psychiatric drugs so the children can "cope" with being imprisoned and detained from their families. They do not care what the children are going through and how they will be affected for the remainder of their lives. After all, it's not the socials' or judges' lives that are being ruined. The socials also play games for three years, so that by that time the families have run out of appeals hearings to get their children back, and then the socials can legally adopt the children out. These are human beings -- the children and the parents -- yet the children are treated like marketable commodities and the parents as if they are manufacturers in a factory. God help us. God help even more the children and parents whose lives have been marred by this tragedy. Thank you once again for bringing this to the public's attention" (LLM, USA, 9 December 2011)
I don't know you, but have had a look at your site 'freesweden'. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to say THANK YOU for your work, and for being a voice and a channel of hope for many of us who are wondering what will happen to our dear old home country!! Thanks also for what you are doing for Christer, Annie & Domenic!" (BW, Sweden, 17 February 2012).
"Thank you for your GREAT work! I am impressed [with] your site information. Very analytical and perfectly correct. See to spread the words about your findings to the Swedes" (BG, Sweden, 6 March 2012).
"I just wanted to express my support for your work. The position of the Swedish government on home schooling can only be described as Fascist. Best of luck you" (GG, USA, 7 September 2012).
"Thanks for making and keeping this site alive! Unfortunately, I fully agree with your points concerning the Swedish way to taking care of kids. Before a real interaction with the system myself 2 years ago, I was thinking (for 8 years!) that Sweden is indeed the best place in the World to live. It is not the case for families with kids... I was born in the USSR, so all these analogies you draw are very familiar to me. I am really happy to see that there are people putting these problems up. Good luck!" (IS, Sweden, formerly from the USSR, 10 September 2012).
"Thank you very much for your fiery spirit that sometimes scares some of us a bit but it also gives us strength" (M, Sweden, 23 October 2012).