11. Refugees Fleeing

from Totalitarian Sweden

by C.C.M.Warren M.A.(Oxon), Retired Professional Educator

It's hard to believe, isn't it, because of all the state-sponsored propaganda about Sweden being the most free and democratic country in the world but it is true - native Swedes are fleeing from their own country's totalitarianism following the state kidnapping of Dominic Johannsson and destroying his family because his parents homeschooled their son legally. What are these people capable of now they have made it illegal??

Every now and then Sweden reveals a communistic/fascistic, totalitarian side, as it did between the two world wars and after it in forcibly sterilising women who did not conform to the then government's national socialist vision of a Swedish master race. Now they're doing something similar to homeschoolers who are looked down upon as untermenschen or subhuman in the corridors of political power.

Where are these Swedish victims of oppression heading? To freedom in neighbouring Finland, a country that knows all about the preciousness of freedom when it valiantly fought for its independence against an aggressive totalitarian Soviet foe which invaded its borders in 1939 and tried to subjugate it. Only Finnish resistance and bravery stopped the tyrant. Homeschoolers are also fleeing to Great Britain, where liberty reigns the strongest in Europe, to the Irish Republic and even as far afield as the United States. No one should be forced to leave their homes because they are different.

Totalitarianism is raising its ugly head in Sweden again. The victims this time: homeschoolers. Who knows who's next...it could be anyone who's different. The purpose of this webpage is to expose this menace to freedom and democracy and to fight for homeschoolers' rights. You may not be a homeschooler but you may be next if the latest band of social engineers decides you don't fit into their new "utopia". Please support us by getting to know the issues, telling the media and petitioning Swedish politicians.

Continued in Part 2

Copyright © 2009-2011 C.C.M.Warren, M.A.(Oxon) - All Rights Reserved

Last updated on 27 February 2011